AgroCares Technology – A Revolution in Soil Laboratory Diagnostics
The revolution in soil testing is now on the Ukrainian market. Farmers are striving to optimize their yields. Therefore, they need to know more information about their soils. Previously, this process was complicated, expensive and slow. Would you like to expand your business with solutions for rapid soil analysis? Test your soil quickly and easily with the package services of the soil scanner and compact laboratory from AgroCares and increase the efficiency of your business!

A revolution in soil testing is now on the Ukrainian market
Farmers are looking to optimize yields. Therefore, they need to know more about their soils. Previously, this process was complicated, expensive and slow. Innovative Ag-Tech services, this is over today! Now, with the new revolutionary Ag-Tech soil analysis and monitoring services, you can conduct soil analysis for farmers quickly, easily and at an affordable price.

Innovative analysis and monitoring of soil fertility
With AgroCares solutions, farmers, distributors and agricultural consultants can analyze soil faster, more often and at an affordable price. Thanks to sensor technologies and predictive models built on a global soil database, our compact Lab-in-a-Box laboratory determines the content of macro and microelements of a sample in just 2 hours, AgroCares scanner – monitors key soil parameters directly in the field in real time.

Soil testing and monitoring has never been easier
With AgroCares scanner package services, you can test and monitor soil conditions much more often. This solution will allow you to apply fertilizers in a timely manner and in the right places, which will improve crop development and, ultimately, achieve high yields. The scanner is fast and easy to use! Our device and mobile applications are simple. They are based on the latest big data solution. By paying an annual fee, you will get free access to our database and the ability to make an unlimited number of scans. In just 10 minutes you will receive information about the condition of the soil on your mobile phone.

Scanner for soil and feed analysis
Choose the most suitable application for your business. The following applications are currently available: Liming – information on organic matter, acidity, clay content, GPS location and local liming advice. Manager (data) – information on organic matter, N, P, K, pH, GPS location, electrical conductivity and soil temperature. Adviser (data and recommendations on fertilizer application) – NPK, including a fertilizer application plan for the selected crop. Services under your brand – add a customized list of crops, fertilizers and choose your own design.

How does it work?
Scan the soil in your customer's field, download the data to your phone from the database, get a soil condition report and recommendations in just 10 minutes. Provide your customers with advice on optimizing yields right in the field

Based on the latest technologies
Real-time, real-time soil monitoring, get a soil condition report in just 10 minutes. Use at all stages of plant development, unlimited number of soil scans. Easy-to-use, mobile app with scan prompts