Maps of nitrogen application are formed on the basis of NDVI maps, biochemical analysis of plants, crop rotation, planned and applied doses of fertilizers and planned yield. By studying these inputs, experts provide maps of the required nitrogen doses in different parts of the field. Differentiated application of nitrogen allows you to optimize plant nutrition, save on fertilizers, and reduce the chemical load on the soil. Maps of differentiated nitrogen application can be used both for manual and automatic adjustment of application doses. Recommendations for use: Nitrogen fertilizer application maps are created immediately before the planned application of fertilizers.
Your benefit
- Optimization - the most rational use of fertilizers
- Efficiency - Increase in yield
- Economy - Fertilizer economy
When obtaining nitrogen fertilizer application maps, we use aircraft and multi-rotor UAV platforms equipped with visual (RGB) and NIR cameras. According to your needs, we will be happy to form flight crews based on your enterprise. Equipment at the most reasonable prices with a guarantee of the best conditions, training of specialists and constant technical support - all this makes DroneUA's offers the best on the market. Cooperate with us!

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