UAVs are often and effectively used to assess an insured event or record it. DroneUA has a number of projects in Europe to introduce drones into the insurance sector of the Agro-Industry. We are already ready to provide comprehensive solutions for the Ukrainian insurance market.
Solutions for the insurance market

Insured event recording
- Drones are able to quickly obtain a large array of metric data immediately after the occurrence of an insured event, when the clock is ticking. Therefore, any kind of speculation is impossible.
Insured event assessment
- The technology allows for an accurate assessment of damage from various types of natural disasters, such as floods, severe autumn frosts or torrential rains. In this case, you can get an assessment not only after the fact, but also identify potential losses from destruction and exemplary resources for reconstruction.
According to your needs, we will be happy to formflight crews based on your enterprise.Equipment at the most reasonable prices with a guarantee of the best conditions, specialist training and constant technical support - all this makes DroneUA's offers the best on the market. Collaborate with us!