It is difficult for large and medium-sized enterprises to manage all the work on their lands, the number of which is thousands and tens of thousands of hectares. It is sometimes simply impossible to control all technological operations and processes and promptly respond to identified problem situations. The problem of control and the need for constant presence in the field is solved with the help of comprehensive drone monitoring services. You need an additional operational monitoring tool for visual assessment of crop condition, and throughout the season we will provide your enterprise with field monitoring from UAVs – you will see absolutely everything!

Your benefit

  • Control of all technological operations on your fields
  • Timely identification of problem areas for decision-making and the possibility of its implement
  • Increase the level of security of your enterprise
  • You will always see the state of your fields;
  • All technological operations under your control;
  • You will never miss problem areas;
  • Your security service is always on standby;
  • We cover large areas in a short time, while maintaining the quality of the work performed;

Thanks to photo and video monitoring of fields, you will always be able to strengthen control over the work of your enterprise and as a result, this will reduce your costs and increase profits.

What we do

Work planning:

We agree on an individual plan for the implementation of the overflights, depending on the area of ​​the land bank and the crops grown. The selection of areas of interest on the plots can be carried out both in advance and during the flight in real time. The plan is a calendar with a schedule for overflights of each field of the enterprise throughout the season.

Execution of works:

Our specialists take aerial photo and video surveys of the fields indicated by your specialist. The survey can be carried out from a height of 2 to 300 m above the field surface. During the survey, we collect both photo and video material in an agreed format of the flyovers.


The main source of information is video material lasting from 3 to 10 minutes per field, with a visual display of the state of the field, as well as from 4 to 10 pictures with a general panorama of the field and macro photography of problem areas. All the received material is integrated into the client's agricultural production management system or uploaded to cloud services. , it is also possible to view the received material immediately after the flights.

Promptness of results:

All reporting material is available to the client on a hard drive immediately after departure. Data is uploaded to cloud services or the agricultural enterprise management system within 24 hours


up to 5,000 hectares/day per team of operators.

Number of departures:

up to 8 times throughout the season for each field in the most important phases of plant development for the enterprise

Examples of work