IN DroneUA know how as high quality as possible perform all works in the energy sector. Our own staff of pilots allows us to perform even in the shortest possible time the most difficult jobs and experienced GIS specialists process the received data. Jobs, transport, depreciation of equipment - we take care of all these issues. We provide the opportunity to receive information from drones , which gives the most accurate result to your enterprise. DroneUA is the leader of the drone market in Ukraine. Efficiency - first of all!

Become our clients and partners!

Basic services

Traditional methods of conducting inspections in the field of energy significantly reduce the efficiency, quality and uninterrupted supply of energy to the end user. The use of UAVs is much cheaper, more efficient and less time-consuming, since there is no longer a need to turn off the equipment and obtain various consent documents and permits.

Monitoring of electrical networks

Drones allow filming along the power line route. These data can be used to determine the exact GPS coordinates of supports, assess the state of wires for wear and mechanical damage, assess the state of insulators for contamination and breakdown, monitor the state of power line support structures, and forecast emergency situations. A drone is able to conduct a survey ten times faster and more accurately than a person.

Monitoring of solar power plants

Extend the life of your solar panels with unmanned technology. The use of drones when inspecting solar panels makes it possible to regularly inspect the entire property complex of a solar power plant with minimal costs. Based on the received data, you will be able to make the right decisions and reduce your costs.

Inspections of wind power plants

The use of drones in the inspection of wind power plants makes it possible to conduct regular inspections of wind generators with minimal costs. Based on the received data, you will be able to make the right decisions in time and reduce costs.

Extend the life of your wind turbines with drones. UAVs solve urgent tasks, such as supporting your current investments and getting the maximum effect from the use of existing assets.

Inspections of hydroelectric power stations

Power plants consist of many different structures, equipment, piping systems and mechanisms that must function properly for smooth, continuous and efficient operation. If the system is regularly inspected, maintenance will be carried out on time and this will allow to optimize the operation and operate it efficiently for many years. A drone inspection is a safe and quick way to assess the condition of your CHP both from the air and underwater.

Inspections of nuclear power plants

Extend the life of your nuclear power plants. Unmanned technologies help to safely and quickly inspect chimneys, reactor boilers, hard-to-reach communications and other places. Timely troubleshooting and conducting scheduled inspections with the help of a drone reduce labor costs, reduce downtime and significantly save the budget for repair work.