DroneUA is one of the world's best startups in the field of artificial intelligence for agriculture

The use of artificial intelligence in agriculture is generally divided into three main categories:
performing agronomic operations using autonomous machines with built-in artificial intelligence;
field monitoring (control of the health and development of crops, crop assessment, prevention of the spread of pests and diseases, soil condition analysis, etc.);
forecasting (processing of data and their interpretation to improve the production process; analysis of weather and climate conditions).
DroneUA implements a variety of robotics, which allows to increase the efficiency of protection and nutrition of crops, plantations or gardens. Aerial and ground-based drones perform spraying of plant mass, application of fertilizers and seeds, trimming of weeds, transportation of various materials, optimizing agricultural production thanks to the saving of resources, high automation and increased accuracy of work.
We also use special drones for monitoring and measuring fields, creating maps for nitrogen application, herbicides, NDVI maps, field research and analytics, and pest control.
Visual field maps are the most simple and clear application of UAVs in agriculture. This is an image of the field in normal colors, which allows you to consider the state of the sowing, assess the heterogeneity of the field and identify characteristic problem areas.
Research and analysis of fields carried out by DroneUA specialists with the help of drones make it possible to:
counting stairs;
measuring the area and height of plants;
creating a weed development map;
soil mapping to determine their chemical composition and correct fertilizer calculation;
crop classification based on current satellite data;
creation of relief maps for optimal calculation of the rate of sowing and fertilizers and optimal planning of field treatments;
creation of water deficit maps;
creation of potential yield maps for adjusting fertilizer application rates and for comparing the potential yield of different fields;
historical analysis of fields to track climatic changes and identify the causes of yield decline.
Thus, the technologies implemented by the DroneUA Group of Companies are based on elements of artificial intelligence and correspond to global trends of digitization and automation of agricultural production, contributing to the development of the global AgTech market.
Find out about other advanced startups developed by global companies for agriculture on the website: https://www.ai-startups.org/top/agriculture
DroneUA is an international system integrator of unmanned solutions.
On the market of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the DroneUA group of companies is the largest importer and distributor of leading drone manufacturers in the world and represents technological solutions from the brands XAG, EcoFlow, Pix4D, Parrot, Chasing, DroneDeploy, AgroCares and others.
The group of companies has its own engineering, production and service divisions, as well as an open data processing center. Technological solutions presented by DroneUA are used on more than 4 million hectares of cultivated areas of Ukraine. According to the results of the 2021 agricultural season alone, more than 1 million hectares were treated with drone sprayers from DroneUA.
DroneUA is among the top three most innovative businesses in the agricultural sector of Ukraine according to FORBES and among the twenty most innovative enterprises of Ukraine.
The group of companies continues to expand the list of technological brands that it presents on the Ukrainian market, and is active in agriculture, the oil and gas industry, as well as in the fields of energy, geodesy and topography.