Memorandum between Droneua and Nubip

"We have been cooperating with various departments of NUBiP for more than 5 years. For us, this is the best specialized university in the country. This is where most of the highly qualified specialists we meet on the market are trained. NUBiP and I have common goals and directions in which we can strongly complement each other. We are grateful to the university for the opportunity of such a partnership," says Valeriy Yakovenko, co-founder of DroneUA.
In order to implement projects in the field of agricultural scientific and technological educational activity, development of advanced technologies of agrochemical service of agriculture and to introduce innovations in agricultural production, a close and productive partnership was established with the department of agrochemistry and quality of plant products of the Faculty of Agrobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
"The Faculty of Agrobiology and the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Product Quality express their gratitude to the company "DroneUA" and hope for close cooperation in educational and scientific work that will improve the quality of training specialists for the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy," the university notes.
The first step after the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation was the changes in the educational process - the educational discipline "Unmanned spraying and tank mixtures" was introduced for bachelors. It was also possible to open and successfully accredit the educational and professional master's training program "Agrochemical service in precision agricultural production".
Already from the beginning of the new academic year, the training of specialists will reach a new, unprecedented level, which is extremely important for the agricultural market both in Ukraine and in the world as a whole.
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