Opening of the "XAG Innovation Academy": integration of business experience into the process of training future agricultural specialists

September 08, 2023
Відкриття «Академії Інновацій XAG»: інтеграція досвіду бізнесу у процес підготовки майбутніх агроспеціалістів
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The partnership of business and educational institutions allows us to build a future for effective Ukrainian agriculture, which will be at the forefront of the world market. The DroneUA team, together with the international manufacturer of agricultural robotics of the XAG brand, launched a new educational and practical project on the basis of the leading agricultural university NUBiP of Ukraine. On August 9, the opening of the "XAG Innovation Academy" took place. – a modern laboratory of unmanned solutions, which was created to provide a practical basis for the training of certified specialists.

The need in the project to train highly qualified specialists in precision agriculture is due to the high market demand for specialists who can work with advanced solutions in robotics for agribusiness. The market leader XAG, having a strategy for the development of sustainable agriculture for 100 years ahead, sees a huge potential in the Ukrainian market. And work with Ukrainian universities and training of specialists – this is one of the important foundations for its implementation. After all, XAG – it's more than spraying drones, it's an ecosystem of innovative robotic and digital solutions and they need to be studied more.

“Academy of Innovative Solutions” – it is a modern laboratory of the Faculty of Agrobiology, which is equipped with spraying drones and related innovative solutions of the XAG brand in order to provide a practical basis for the training of qualified specialists. The laboratory was implemented at the O.I. Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Product Quality.

In the high-tech space, students can:

  • conduct practical training using sprayer drones, autopilot systems and other robotics in agriculture;
  • communicate with practitioners and market experts, receiving maximum work advice and experience with which they will be ready to work at enterprises even during the training process;
  • immerse yourself in advanced practices and technological solutions from XAG, thereby becoming sought-after specialists on the international market.

“The high level of demand for specialists in robotics and precision agriculture technologies is already observed on the market today. This encourages the deepening of cooperation between business and universities in order to increase the number of joint projects. Last year, DroneUA and NUBiP of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and launched a joint educational program "Agrochemical service in precision agricultural production". Now we are ready to reach a new level and such developments as the "XAG Innovation Academy" – this is only the beginning», – Fevzi Ametov, co-founder of DroneUA.

Ukraine is already ahead of Europe in terms of the intensity of use of drones in agriculture. In order to keep pace with the introduction of innovations, it is necessary to provide the market with qualified specialists, true professionals of precision agricultural production. And these prospects – this is the future of Ukrainian agriculture, as the most innovative in the world.

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DroneUA is an international system integrator of unmanned solutions and robotics.

On the market of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the DroneUA group of companies is the largest importer and distributor of leading drone manufacturers in the world and represents technological solutions from the brands XAG, EcoFlow, Pix4D, Parrot, Chasing, DroneDeploy, AgroCares and others.

The group of companies has its own engineering, production and service divisions, as well as an open data processing center. Technological solutions presented by DroneUA are used on more than 4 million hectares of cultivated areas of Ukraine. According to the results of the 2021 and 2022 agricultural seasons, more than 2.2 million hectares were protected with drone sprayers from DroneUA.

DroneUA is among the top three most innovative businesses in the agricultural sector of Ukraine according to FORBES and among the twenty most innovative enterprises of Ukraine.

The group of companies continues to expand the list of technological brands that it presents on the Ukrainian market, and is active in agriculture, the oil and gas industry, as well as in the fields of energy, geodesy and topography.

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