DroneUA at UCAB Agrotechnology: digitalization as a key to the development of the Ukrainian agricultural industry

July 26, 2024
DroneUA на УКАБ Агротехнології: діджиталізація як ключ до розвитку українського агросектору
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Despite current challenges, the Ukrainian agricultural sector is demonstrating significant progress and adaptability to modern conditions, continuing to play one of the key roles in Ukraine's economy, ensuring the food security of the country. The active implementation of precision farming approaches in agriculture with an emphasis on digitalization in recent years has noticeably increased the efficiency of production processes, making Ukraine competitive on the international stage. 

As a market leader in the integration of robotics and cutting-edge technologies in the agricultural sector, DroneUA participated in the national field event, UKAB Agrotechnologies, held on July 25, 2024, in Vinnytsia. 

The event brought together market experts, senior government figures, agro-holding representatives, and professional farmers. Over 1000 participants attended the demonstrations of advanced technical solutions, as well as the plenary sessions featuring expert presentations and research. 

These technologies ensure the implementation of ultra-low volume (ULV) spraying which enhances plant protection efficiency, conserves resources such as water and fuel, provides the optimization of logistics and effective operation under changing weather conditions. 


The service business FarmFleet showcased a wide range of their services provided by teams with their own fleet of agrodrones. Operating throughout Ukraine, these teams have experience with high-margin crops, on fields with complex configurations and they possess agronomic expertise in applying crop protection products with the usage of agrodrones. 


At the exhibition area, DroneUA showcased the ecosystem of energy solutions from the global manufacturer EcoFlow. The most interest among visitors to the EcoFlow energy-independent trailer was generated by the portable charging stations and solar panels. Together, these solutions can provide energy stability for various types of users, from household consumers to businesses, which enables them to function during prolonged power outages. Given the current high demand for renewable energy technologies, the usage of solar panels reduces dependency on the grid, that makes it an ideal choice for both residential and business consumers. 


The importance of events like UKAB Agrotechnologies cannot be overestimated, as they play a crucial role in the development of the domestic agricultural sector. This event served as a platform for exchanging experiences and innovations, opening up new opportunities to form more partnerships that strengthen the Ukrainian agribusiness. 

DroneUA extends its gratitude to the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and the UCABevent agency for organizing the event, as well as to the participants for their active interest in innovative technologies. 

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DroneUA is an international system integrator of unmanned solutions and robotics.

On the market of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the DroneUA group of companies is the largest importer and distributor of leading drone manufacturers in the world and represents technological solutions from the brands XAG, EcoFlow, Pix4D, Parrot, Chasing, DroneDeploy, AgroCares and others.

The group of companies has its own engineering, production and service divisions, as well as an open data processing center. Technological solutions presented by DroneUA are used on more than 4 million hectares of cultivated areas of Ukraine. According to the results of the 2021 and 2022 agricultural seasons, more than 2.2 million hectares were protected with drone sprayers from DroneUA.

DroneUA is among the top three most innovative businesses in the agricultural sector of Ukraine according to FORBES and among the twenty most innovative enterprises of Ukraine.

The group of companies continues to expand the list of technological brands that it presents on the Ukrainian market, and is active in agriculture, the oil and gas industry, as well as in the fields of energy, geodesy and topography.

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